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The Scientific Opinion №10 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2021

Chinese Clay Figurines: Heritage of the Founder of Tianjin “Niren Zhang” Clay Sculpture

Liu Tianchi
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The clay fi gurine is a very bright and original phenomenon of Chinese folk art, one of the forms of local folk art crafts. The clay sculpture is the embodiment of the socio-cultural experience of the people, an item of inheritance and continuation of traditions. In China, there are many areas that produce clay fi gurines, and one of the fairly large and representative is Tianjin, where this type of sculpture is called “Niren Zhang”. It means “Zhang clay fi gurine”. This paper is devoted to the history of the Tianjin clay fi gurine, and the analysis of the mastery of the founder of this craft in Tianjin – Zhao Mingshan, as well as its artistic originality.
Keywords: clay fi gurine; China; Tianjin; Zhao Mingshan;“Niren Zhang”.
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