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The Scientific Opinion №10 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2021


Yu. A. Mironova
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22224378_2021_10_78
The article presents an algorithm for the development and implementation of a linguodidactic strategy for self-education of students – future teachers of a foreign language, who see their professional perspective in teaching a foreign language for special purposes. A detailed analysis of the concepts “strategy”, “educational strategy” and “linguodidactic strategy” is carried out. The author describes the development of a linguodidactic strategy aimed at creating educational programmes or educational resources that are focused on student groups in which educational tasks are performed. The organisation of independent work is considered as a significant component of students’ self-education in accordance with the presented strategy. The author analyses the leading tendencies and directions in the field of independent study organisation. The research materials are aimed at future teachers of a foreign language who begin to comprehend their professional prospects and the need for self-education, which will contribute to the development of their intellectual and professional independence and research potential.
Keywords: educational strategy, self-education of students, foreign language, self-study.
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