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The Scientific Opinion №9 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2021

Specifi cs of Performance Interpretation of Anton Rubinstein’s Piano Cycle “Souvenir de Dresde”

V. A. Gurevich, Xu Jinia
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The paper is devoted to the piano cycle of Anton Rubinstein, who, by the will of fate, completed the creative path of the great musician. The specifi city of the paper lies in the combination of the structural analysis of six parts that make up the cycle and the analysis of performing diffi culties. The latter are a conglomeration of various pianistic techniques that require special preparation and a special approach, which is common for the composer. The goal of the paper is to draw attention to this bright music, which, unfortunately, is not often heard on the concert stage, and to make it part of the repertoire
Keywords: piano cycle, performance interpretation, techniques, fi gurative content, analysis of the piano interpretation.
1. Barenboym L. Fortepiannaya pedagogika. Chast’ 1. M.: Muzgiz, 1937. 213 s.
2. Buzoni F. O pianisticheskom masterstve. Izbrannye vyskazyvaniya // Ispolnitel’skoe masterstvo zarubezhnykh stran. Vyp. 1. M., 1962. 176 s.
3. V klasse Gol’denveyzera. M.: Muzyka, 1986. 168 s.
4. Gofman I. Fortepiannaya igra. Otvety na voprosy o fortepiannoy igre. M.: Gosudarstvennoe muzykal’noe izdatel’stvo, 1961. 224 s.
5. Leymer K. Sovremennaya fortepiannaya igra // Vydayushchiesya pianisty-pedagogi o fortepiannom iskusstve. M.-L.: Muzyka, 1966. 316 s.
6. Margulis V. Bagateli, ili mysli i aforizmy pianista. SPb., 1992. 62 s.
7. Mysli i aforizmy o fortepiannom iskusstve. M.: Klassika XXI, 2008. 160 s.
8. Put’ k sovershenstvu // Dialogi, stat’i i materialy o fortepiannoy tekhnike. SPb.: Kompozitor, 2007. 392 s
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