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The Scientific Opinion №9 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2021


Xu Yun
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22224378_2021_9_111
Design is a cognitive activity that has economic, social and cultural value. Creativity is
a prerequisite for creating innovative products, it plays a crucial role in generating new
ideas and is the most important quality in the design profession and education. This
article analyses the model of creativity of A. Sternberg, as well as factors affecting the
activation of individual creativity of design students. On the basis of this theory, the
author of the article considers the possibilities of applying the achievements of cognitive
psychology, information technologies and applied computer technologies in the field of
design training in order to create innovative products within the framework of educational
projects. The analysis of the key structural elements of the creativity model is carried
out and effective methods of activating creative thinking in the educational process are
determined. The author gives examples of how interactive ways of cooperation between
a person and information and communication technologies can activate creative thinking
in the process of preparing a future designer.
Keywords: design, creative design, creative thinking, cognitive psychology,
information and computer application technologies, design education.
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