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The Scientific Opinion №9 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2021


E. S. Tsareva
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22224378_2021_9_69
The paper presents а comprehensive study and systematisation of the structural and functional features of autoaggressive behaviour of a person in post-crisis periods of life (due to personal, professional, event-biographical crises). The socio-psychological specificity of manifestations of autoaggressive behaviour of an individual in post-crisis conditions is revealed and their differentiation is carried out in accordance with the level of suicidal risk and its indicators (cognitive, emotional, social). Taking into account the differentiation of personal dispositions of autoaggressive behaviour of the respondents in the post-crisis period, in accordance with the configurations of its content characteristics, the author determines the criteria for assessing the socio-psychological characteristics of this behaviour: the type and nature of the affective response, the degree of its severity; the level of emotional imbalance and social introversion; the nature of relationship to oneself; localisation of subjective control and life-meaning orientations; usage of protective mechanisms and a range of coping strategies of behaviour in personally significant situations.
Keywords: personality, autoaggressive behaviour, suicidal risk, post-crisis periods
of life.
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