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The Scientific Opinion №7-8 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2021


G. L. Barbashova, O. S. Germanov, E. Yu. Yelizarova
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22224378_2021_7–8_79
The article reveals the problem of creating interdisciplinary connections, in particular,
between algebra and geometry, in the system of higher education. Despite the simplicity
and importance of this problem, it has not yet been solved. This problem affects not
only mathematical categories, but also pedagogical and methodological ones. The
first (mathematical) direction is associated with the search for relationships between
algebraic and geometric objects, in particular, between algebraic formulas and geometric
images. The second (pedagogical) direction is due to the need for a teacher to form
interdisciplinary connections to enrich the culture of teachers, stated in the Federal
Educational Standard of Higher Education. The article reveals the features of building
a connection from geometry to algebra, based on the example of the topic “Building
Flat Geometric Shapes with a Compass and a Ruler”, which is part of students’ training
at university. The construction of the connection from geometry to algebra is based on
the analysis of the initial data of a geometric problem in terms of the possibility to
move from the data to the algebraic equivalent that helps in solving the problem. This
equivalent is an equation. The peculiarity of the connection construction is illustrated by
the example of problems of doubling the cube and angle trisection.
Keywords: intersubject connection, algebra and geometry, equivalent, cube doubling
problem, angle trisection problem.
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