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The Scientific Opinion №6 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2021


T. N. Ishchenko
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22224378_2021_6_18
Changes in general comprehensive school and higher education have an impact on the
social situation, while the latter shapes up the way the younger generations are raised and educated. On the one hand, it gives weight to the problem of relations and cooperation, but on the other hand, it reveals the need for tools that facilitate meaningful communication and promote simple and complex cooperation as a prerequisite of engaging learners in cooperative acquisition of scientific and cultural knowledge, which underlies the personality development. The study analyses the stated problems and looks into ways of their solution applying the principles of activity, dialogue, and dialectics. If learners are actively engaged in the thinking process to the point, able to strike up communication in the middle of complex cooperation, thereby this transforms the relations between the teacher and learners, as well as amidst learners themselves meaningfully, which leads to uninhibited self-identification and develops the ability to communicate and cooperate effectively. The didactic system actualised through individual and group forms of activity encourages the development of subjective activity, thinking capacities, and coherent personality.
Keywords: education process, relations, socialising, meaningful communication,
cooperation, didactic system, personality.
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