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Humanities and Science University Journal № 62 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Features of the National Musical Culture in the Violin Work of Ma Sicong: on the Example of “Inner Mongolia Suite”

Wan Kechao
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Ma Sicong (1912–1987) was among the fi rst generation of Chinese violinists, as well as an authoritative composer and teacher of the 20th century. He created many works for the violin, as well as several songs, operas, ballets, symphonies, and cantatas, but it was Ma Sicong’s violin music that proved to be the most signifi cant and successful, and it was the music where the composer’s creative personality was most vividly embodied. This paper is intended to shed light on the ways of integration of Eastern, in particular Chinese, and Western musical cultures in the violin music of Ma Sicong. The paper attempts to investigate the nature of the legacy and development of Chinese folk 
songs in the composer’s “Inner Mongolia Suite”.
Keywords: Ma Sicong; violin music; China; national specifics.
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