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Humanities and Science University Journal № 62 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

On the Preservation of National Identity in Twentieth- Century Chinese Vocal Music

Zhang Qianwei
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This paper is devoted to the up-to-date problem of preserving the national identity of vocal music in the works of Chinese composers. In the twentieth century, in the context of the interaction between Western and Eastern cultures, the tangible infl uence of European musical art on Chinese composers, their work is to search for synthesis of traditions and innovations. The culture of China, one of the oldest civilizations in the world, has deep roots and is based on the philosophical doctrines of Confucianism, Tao-
ism and Buddhism, which largely determine the worldview of Chinese society and the unique originality of art. Under the infl uence of various socio-political events, ideological trends, the attitude to traditional values and their refl ection in the art of Chinese composers have changed, the philosophical foundations of Chinese art have been revised. The author examines the main vectors in the development of Chinese vocal music in the twentieth century, paying attention to different approaches to the idea 
of preserving the traditions and national identity of vocal art.
Keywords: chinese composers, vocal art, traditions, national identity, synthesis.
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