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Humanities and Science University Journal № 62 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Historical Issues of Revolutionary Routine: Bargainers Brought before Provisional Courts (Petrograd, March-July 1917)

A. B. Nikolaev
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The paper provides the analysis of the provisional court activity in Petrograd in March — July 1917 aimed at fi ghting against bargainers (speculators). It has been concluded that on the eve of the February Revolution only railroad bargainers were persecuted, whereas other types of speculators (theater, horse etc.) escaped being persecuted by the governmental authorities. After the February Revolution theater bargainers were detained by militiamen and brought before provisional courts upon publishing the decree of the Commissar of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters N.N. Lvov on March 12, 1917. Railroad bargainers were prosecuted in accordance with the decree of the Provisional Government dated April 17, 1917. The author has drawn a conclusion that theater and railroad bargainers were not frequently held accountable in provisional court proceedings, because citizens took advantage of their services and did not appeal to the courts
Keywords: provisional courts in Petrograd, railroad bargainers, theater bargainers, 
A. F. Kerensky, N. N. Lvov.
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