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The Scientific Opinion №5 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2021

«Frames and Paintings»: Visualization of the Synthesis of Arts in the Museum Space

O. A. Tuminskaya
Price: 0 руб.
The visualization method complements abstract concepts with vividness and imagery of real impressions. A museum viewer sees and feels material factors of the “picture frame” concept and complements the invisible reality with the necessary details of perception (restoration fi ndings, technical and technological methods, the artist’s perception of 
the style in the integrity of the architectural and decorative fi lling of the exhibition hall, and others), which allows the viewer to feel the frame and the picture as a single organism. Game mnemonics would allow finding a quick contact with the visitor, immersing the visitor into a dialog form, and building an individual route to visit the museum. The paper discusses the relationship between picture frames as objects of the art collection of the Russian Museum and as units of the museum design, submitted for public discussion.
Keywords: picture frame, excursion, frame decoration, museum design.
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8. Sevast’yanova E. A. Restavratsiya ramy k kartine K. P. Bryullova «Portret 
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Izd-vo GRM, 2000. S. 44–47.
Price: 0 рублей
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