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The Scientific Opinion №5 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2021

Activities of Countess M. E. Kleinmichel in 1917

D. I. Stogov
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The paper analyzes activities of Countess Maria Eduardovna Kleinmichel, the organizer of the famous legal monarchical salon in Petrograd in the revolutionary year of 1917. The author provides the analysis of the problem’s historiography, considers the problem of the Countess’s attitude to the revolutionary events of February 1917. On the basis of the historical sources introduced into scientifi c circulation by the author from the foundation of the general prosecutor of Petrograd Judicial Chamber, as well as newspaper materials, the author analyzes the circumstances related to Kleinmichel’s life after February 1917, including her stay under house arrest. It is concluded that even after February 1917, the Countess, unlike a number of other right-wing activists, retained her monarchist beliefs and behaved independently. It is emphasized that the charges against the Countess of espionage in favor of Germany were not confi rmed by the investigation. The paper concludes with a summary of Kleinmichel’s life after 1917 till her death.
Keywords: Russian Empire, historiography, salon, club, the rights, the monarchists.
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