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The Scientific Opinion №5 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2021

Texture of Piano Compositions by Robert Schumann

E. L. Alexandrova
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The paper is devoted to studying the piano texture by R. Schumann, who is the bright representor of German Romanticism, the creator of the unique piano style. Relying on the analysis of Schumann’s piano music, the author reveals the main peculiarities of the texture in his compositions in terms of the correlation between relief and background. The paper observes thematics, form creation and dramaturgy in Schumann’s compositions.
Keywords: texture, style, chamber miniature, form, relief and background, R. Schumann.
1. Gofman E. T. A. Kreysleriana. Zhiteyskie vozzreniya Kota Murra. Dnevniki. M.: 
Nauka, 1972. 668 s.
2. Muzykal’naya estetika Germanii / avt.-sost. A. Mikhaylov, V. Shestakov Kn. 2. 
M., 1982. 432 s.
Price: 0 рублей
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