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Humanities and Science University Journal № 60 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Anton Rubinstein’s piano concerto No. 2, Op. 35 (the problem of musical interpretation)

Zeng Yiyi
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The given paper is the fi rst in music studies to consider Anton Rubinstein’s piano concerto No. 2 in F-dur, op.35. This composition, created in the heyday of the prominent Russian pianist’s career, has not gained popularity in either the performing or pedagogical sphere. Currently the concerto is rarely performed. The paper touches upon the history of the concerto creation, considers its compositional features, expressive performance devices, brief description of the concerto interpretation by today’s pianists. The author makes a conclusion that studying the piano concerto No. 2 by Anton Rubinstein can become an important stage of skill improvement for both Russian and Chinese musicians. The work at this concerto trains pianists to perform piano concertos by P. Tchaikovsky, S. Rachmaninoff, A. Scriabin, S. Prokofi ev etc.
Keywords: music, composer, pianist, piano, techniques, virtuosity, artistry, concerto, genre, stage. 
1. Barenboym L. A. Anton Grigor’yevich Rubinshteyn. Tom pervyi. L.: Gosudarstvennoe muzykal’noe izdatel’stvo, 1957. 455 s.
2. Kogan G. M. Voprosy pianizma. M.: Sovetskiy kompozitor, 1966. 461 s.
3. Kyui Ts. Izbrannye stat’i. L.: Muzgiz, 1952. 697 s.
4. Mysli i aforizmy o fortepiannom iskusstve. M.: «Klassika — XXI», 2008. 159 s.
5. Pianisticheskoe kredo Aleksandra Paleya. URL: https://propianino.ru/paley (data obrashcheniya 15.02.2021).
6. Rubinshteyn A. G. Korob mysley. Aforizmy i mysli. M. OLMA-PRESS; SPb.: Izdatel’skiy dom «Neva», Znamenie, 1999. 317 s.   
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