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Humanities and Science University Journal № 60 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Animation in Documentary Films

V. D. Soshnikov, F. D. Shakhnazaryants
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The paper examines the use of animation in documentary genres. It highlighted a number of issues related to analyzing the reasons for the demand of animation in the screen art, providing examples of integrating animation in feature fi lms, and revealing the potential of animation in documentary fi lms. Special attention is paid to the analysis of using animation in documentary genres to expand expressive possibilities of the screen art. It is shown how historical events are reconstructed in the animated fi lm “The Death of Lusitania” through using animation techniques. In addition, the authors focus on the possibilities of animation which convey the subjective perception of the world on the example of the fi lm “Rain”. They made a conclusion about the prospects of animation in the genres of travel diary and biography.
Keywords: directing, animation, multimedia, screen art, creativity
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