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Humanities and Science University Journal № 60 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Ambrosio Spinola’s Victories of 1620–1621 on the Playing Field: a Print from the Publishing House of Abraham Hogenberg as Part of the Series and as an Independent Baroque Broadsheet

A. F. Esono
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German broadsheets of the XVII c. can be perceived as a kind of chronicle of the events of the century, however, there is no single idea in them, because they were published by different masters, and were devoted to unrelated events. Certainly, broadsheets are related to each other by the similarity of format, methods of transmitting information and creating the effect of a plausible message, however, considering them as a single series makes sense. This can be explained by the historical background, which can be revealed by studying the samples at the turn of the XVI–XVII centuries in publications that are complex and ambiguous in nature. What is worth highlighting among them is a series of engravings about the events of the Eighty Years’ War from the publishing house of Franz and Abraham Hogenberg. The present paper briefl y characterizes one of these broadsheets, which most clearly solves the problem of the Baroque broadsheet integrity as a single series.
Keywords: German broadsheets, Baroque, board game, Eighty Years’ War, Thirty Years’ War.
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