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Humanities and Science University Journal № 60 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Between the Schools of Venice and the Terraferma. Features of Style and Iconography of the “Male Portrait” by Giovanni Battista Moroni from the Collection of the State Hermitage Museum

A. A. Piotrovskaia
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The art works of one of the last portrait painters of the Late Renaissance Giovanni Battista Moroni (1520–1578) is now practically forgotten on the territory of Russia. The author of the paper examines the stylistic and iconographic features of the only work of the artist in the collection of the State Hermitage - “Portrait of a Man”. This work has not been fully studied and has only been briefl y analyzed in the literature of the 19th– 20th centuries, where the authors considered this painting exclusively with the features of the Venetian masters and did not pay their attention to the combination of the features from different art schools. In his paper the author reveals a mixture of artistic tendencies from different regions: the schools of Venice, Terraferma and Ferrara, analyzing the features of the portrait and the influence of other masters on the painter.
Keywords: Moroni, Bergamo, Terraferma, Moretto, Renaissance, school of Ferrara, Venetian school.
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6. Elektronnyi katalog Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha. URL: https://www.hermitagemuseum.org/wps/portal/hermitage/digital-collection/01.+paintings/32228 (data obrashcheniya: 15.01.2021).
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10. Morelli G. Italian Painters. The Galleries Of Munich and Dresden. London, 1907.
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