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Humanities and Science University Journal № 60 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Scandinavian Features in Medieval Wooden Churches of Northwestern Regions of Russia: Architectural Image and Plastics

O. N. Esono
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The paper examines folk architecture in terms of the theory and history of art. The author assumes that one of the factors in forming the architectural image of medieval wooden churches and decorative techniques in the plastic arts of the northwestern regions of Russia could be the infl uence of Scandinavian art. This is explained by both the historical context – long and close interaction with the Scandinavians, the coincidence of Christianization periods, and the art history, which is referred to examples of similarity in constructive, constructive-decorative and decorative elements.
Keywords: folk art, evolution of the national art, Russian North, Russian wooden architecture, wooden churches of Scandinavia, mutual influences, local traditions.
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