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Humanities and Science University Journal № 60 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Music Genre as a Phenomenon of Artistic and Creative Thinking

R. G. Shitikova
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The paper is devoted to one of the basic categories of art, including music. The work covers the main trajectories of the study of the music genre, systematized in the monograph by A.G. Korobova. The author substantiates the necessity to supplement the theory of this phenomenon, evolved in the modern science, with a parameter that reveals the hypostasis of the genre, which has not been touched upon in the research literature before - its organic inextricable two-way connection with artistic, creative, musical thinking. The paper presents one of the latest concepts of musical thinking, developed by M. Sh. Bonfeld, showing the possibility to extrapolate this concept to the genre in the aspects of thinking with music, musical thinking, thinking in music, music as thinking, thinking as music. In is emphasized that each music genre has its own system of stable, attributive features that affect the levels of content, form, expressive devices, which in turn constitute the fundamental principle and the objective matter of artistic thinking.
Keywords: genre, music genre, artistic and creative thinking, context, semantics, syntactics, pragmatics.
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8. Shitikova R. G. Zhanr sonaty v kontekste novykh muzykal’nykh realiy XX stoletiya // Universitetskiy nauchnyi zhurnal. 2020. № 53. S. 34–42.
9. Shitikova R. G. Kontekst kak klyuch dlya analiza khudozhestvennoy panoramy epokhi na primere otechestvennoy kul’tury 1920-kh godov // Observatoriya kul’tury. 2017. T. 14. № 3. S. 372–381.
10. Shitikova R. G. Pervaya sonata dlya fortepiano D. D. Shostakovicha v usloviyakh stilevykh vzaimodeystviy 1920-kh godov // Fortepiannoe iskusstvo. Istoriya i sovremennost’. Problemy tvorchestva, ispolnitel’stva, pedagogiki: sbornik nauchnykh trudov. SPb.: Izd-vo RGPU im. A. I. Gertsena, 2006. Vyp. 2. S. 64–85.
11. Shitikova R. G. Russkaya fortepiannaya sonata 1920-kh godov v khudozhestvennom kontekste epokhi. SPb.: Planeta muzyki, 2016; 2-e izd. 2017. 268 s.
12. Shitikova R. G. Khudozhestvennyi kontekst kak vektor teoreticheskogo issledovaniya muzykal’nogo iskusstva // Observatoriya kul’tury. 2016. T. 13. № 4. S. 410–418.
13. Danuser H. Gattung // Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwar: in 26 Bd. 2, neubearb. Ausgabe hrsg. von L. Finscher, 2003. Sachteil 3. S. 1042–1069.
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