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Humanities and Science University Journal № 60 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Street Art and the Problem of its Institutionalization

T. V. Sholomova, E. O. Andreychik
Price: 0 руб.
The paper is devoted to the issues of street art exhibiting within the framework of offi cial institutions. The diffi culty includes the protest nature of street art, its political background and the desire to violate social and legal norms. At the same time, street artists, whenever possible, are willing to cooperate with offi cial structures (Lee Quinones), as soon as sell their creations (Banksy), but still prefer to position themselves as fi ghters and non-conformists. The collaboration of street artists with offi cial institutions is becoming more and more common, despite the partial loss of the protest essence in street art. Moreover, institutions are looking for ways to preserve the artistic and ideological specifi city of street art by offering new forms of interaction with street art.
Keywords: street art, graffi ti, institutionalization, collaboration.
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