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Humanities and Science University Journal № 60 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Anton Rubinstein as the Master of Etudes (exemplifi ed by the etude “Undine”)

Sun Jiayan
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The paper examines Anton Rubinstein’s etude “Undine”. The author reveals the role of Rubinstein in creating the genre of the Russian concert etude. The paper considers the history of the “Undine” creation, its place in the composer’s etude heritage. The features of the work are analyzed from the performing and methodological positions. The author emphasizes the importance of introducing Rubinstein’s etudes into the modern pedagogical practice.
Keywords: etude, genre, piano, style, composer, performer, teacher, tempo, texture, 
rhythm, articulation, dynamics, pedalization.
1. Asaf’yev B. Glinka. M.: Muzyka, 1977. 397 s.
2. Barenboym L. Etyudy A. Rubinshteyna // A. Rubinshteyn. Etyudy dlya fortepiano. 
M.: Muzgiz, 1960. S. 2–4.
3. Kogan G. Rubinshteyn-pianist // Kogan G. Voprosy pianizma. M.: Sovetskiy 
kompozitor, 1965. 462 s.
4. Rubinshteyn A. Avtobiografi cheskie rasskazy. SPb.: «Kompozitor. Sankt-Peter-
burg», 2005. 80 s.
5. Rubinshteyn A. Korob mysley. Aforizmy i mysli. M.: Olma-Press; SPb.: 
Izdatel’skiy dom «Neva», Znamenie. 1999. 223 s.
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