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Humanities and Science University Journal № 60 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Formation of the Stage Image of a Pop Artist (on the example of the Yakut Pop Duo Ekaterina and Alexey Egorovs)

V. P. Indigirsky
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The paper is devoted to one of the urgent problems in the modern pop music- the formation of the stage image of a pop artist. The author aims to analyze the concept of «stage image», to identify the components of its formation for a modern pop artist on the example of the vocal duet of Ekaterina and Alexey Egorovs. The author comes to the conclusion that a memorable appearance is not a suffi cient condition for the formation of a stage image of a pop artist. It is important that the artist be a bearer of the values and ideals of the society in which he translates his work. The author substantiates the idea that the stage image of the pop duo Ekaterina and Alexey Yegorovs is characterized 
by content completeness and high culture. The results obtained in the course of studying the phenomenon of stage image exemplifi ed by the Yakut pop duo Ekaterina and Alexey Egorovs can be useful for further research in the fi eld of musical and pop performance, as well as they serve as a source for development of educational programs in the fi eld of culture and art.
Keywords: stage image, pop artist, vocal duo, public performance, stage image of 
the artist.
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