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Humanities and Science University Journal № 60 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

The «Variations Sйrieuses» op. 54 Mendelssohn in the Interpretations of Outstanding Pianists

Ma Yingjun
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The paper is devoted to the comparative analysis of interpretations of “Variations Sйrieuses” op. 54, one of the fundamental piano works by F. Mendelssohn. The survey touches upon the history of this work’s creation, it also reveals Mendelssohn’s comprehension of the terms “brilliant” and “serious” and the character of their combination. The main focus is given to the comparison of the performing styles of “Variations Sйrieuses” by such famous masters of the past and present as A. Cortot, V. Horowitz, V. Sofronitsky, A. Brendel. The survey is also aimed at analyzing how the 
aforementioned pianists reveal the semantic content of the Mendelssohn’s work in order to discover their attitudes to interpreting the form and their principles governing the use of expressive means in music performance.
Keywords:  piano, composition, genre, interpretation, virtuosity, sound recording, listener. Mendelssohn, variations, interpretations, Cortot, Horowitz, Richter.
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2. Dyubal D. Vechera s Gorovitsem. M.: Klassika—XXI, 2008. 374 s.
3. Korto A. O fortepiannom iskusstve. M.: Klassika—XXI, 2005. 246 s.
4. Smirnova M. V. Klassik sredi romantikov (ob ispolnenii fortepiannykh kontsertov 
Feliksa Mendel’sona // Smirnova M. V. Na legkom chelnoke iskusstva. O muzyke piani-
stakh, pedagogakh i slushatelyakh. SPb.: Kompozitor — Sankt-Peterburg, 2019. 240 s.
5. Shuman R. Pis’ma (1840–1856). M.: Muzyka, 1982. T. 2. 525 s.
6. Jost Christa. In mutual refl ection: historical, biographical, and structural aspects 
of Mendelssohn’s Variations sйrieuses // Mendelssohn Studies. Ed. by R. Larry Todd. 
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1992. 72 р.
7. Moscheles, Charlotta. Aus Moscheles’ Leben. Bd. 2, Lpz.: Duncker & Humblot, 
1873. 282 s.
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