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Humanities and Science University Journal № 60 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

The Song «I Live at the Source of the Yangtze River» in the Interpretation of the Chinese Baritone Singer Liao Changyong

G. V. Abdullina, Wang Haobo
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The paper is dedicated to the Chinese singer Liao Changyong, who  has a baritone timbre. The musician began a stage career after graduating from the Conservatory performed in theaters in his country and abroad, successfully performing leading roles in operas in foreign languages. He participated in concerts with famous world stars, 
won many awards at international vocal competitions. Frequently, the singer turned to the performance of the song «I live at the source of the Yangtze river», which is a masterpiece of the Chinese vocal lyrics of the 1920s. The singer’s interpretation is stunning with its emotional richness, subtle poetry and spirituality.
Keywords: Liao Changyong, baritone, vocal, lyrical song, interpretation, image, 
breathing, repertoire, performers, listeners.
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