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The Scientific Opinion №4 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2021

Irina Bogacheva – the Outstanding Soloist in Operas of Foreign Composers

Li Shusi
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The subject of this paper is to study the phenomenon of the innovative interpretation of foreign composers’ opera parts by the outstanding Russian singer I.P. Bogacheva. Her talent spectrum is diverse, it impresses the audience by its depth and greatness. This paper pays special attention to considering Bogacheva’s interpretations of opera 
characters from G. Verdi’s “Aida”, “A masked ball”, and also the extraordinary interpretation of G. Bizet’s Carmen. The author highlights the signifi cant infl uence of the singer’s art on a young generation of opera singers from different countries, including China.
Keywords: opera, theatre, culture, art, stage, voice, artist, opera part, image, foreign composer.
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