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The Scientific Opinion №4 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2021

Formation of TV Ballet and TV Opera Genres on Russian Television

A. A. Boguslavskaya
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The paper considers the emergence of such genres of television performance as television ballet and television opera on the domestic television. These genres have played a signifi cant role in the development of the artistic direction of television. Analyzing the television performances of these genres, the author studies the process of their formation, pos-sibilities of new technologies,change of the performances’structure, 
importance of their cultural and educational role andtypologizes the most successful examples of combining music, drama and screen images in TV ballet and TV opera. The experience of creating special TV genres can be interesting for art critics and useful for practitioners.
Keywords: television, performance, opera, ballet, specifi cs, music, drama.
1. Belova E. P. Televidenie vchera segodnya zavtra. Sbornik. Vyp. 2. M.: Iskusstvo, 
1982. 256 s. 
2. Kagan M. S. Muzyka v mire iskusstv. SPb.: Ut, 1996. 232 s. 
3. Prokof’yev S. S. 1953–1963. Stat’i i materialy. M.: Sovetskiy kompozitor, 1962. 
384 s.
4. Sappak V. Chelovek na ekrane televizora. Televidenie i my, 2007. URL: http://
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