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The Scientific Opinion №4 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2021


N. V. Zinchenko, A. S. Khlebnikov, I. S. Penzin
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22224378_2021_4_16
The article is devoted to the pedagogical system of K. S. Malevich. In 1910–1920s
Malevich began teaching first at the Free State Art Studios and then at the Vitebsk
National Art School. As a result, he developed a unique curriculum that included new
elements of form formation and the graphic language of fine art that have never been used before. Malevich’s pedagogical activity lasted only for a few years. However, during this short period of time Malevich created an original teaching method and brought up a
whole generation of famous artists.
Keywords: suprematism, UNOVIS, art education, teaching methods, avant-garde.
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7. Khan-Magomedov S. O. Arkhitektura sovetskogo avangarda: v 2 kn.: Kn. 1: Problemy formoobrazovaniya. Mastera i techeniya. M.: Stroyizdat, 1996. 709 s.
8. Khlebnikov A. S., Arkhipov A. A., Penzin I. S. Pedagogicheskaya sistema obucheniya izobrazitel’nomu iskusstvu M. V. Matyushina // Iskusstvo i obrazovanie. 2018. No 5 (115). S. 177–187.
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