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The Scientific Opinion №3 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2021


S. V. Anchukov, Jia Yunyi
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/PBH.22224378.2021.3.77.87
In the 21st century, continuing education is one of the key points in the strategy of
sustainable development of almost all countries across the world. The development
of the need of Art&Design students of pedagogical universities to manage their own
learning throughout life is aimed at the sustainable development of this area of culture.
This study analyses the development of adult learning and education policies of
governments around the world, as well as the need for advanced training of specialists
in design. The paper examines the differences between the terms “continuing educa-
tion” (终身教育) and “lifelong learning” (终身学习), which allows us to specify the
right direction of theoretical research and determine the methodological principles
in the professional practice of education. The paper attempts to formulate the main
fundamental approaches to the development of students’ skills to learn throughout
life: the development of intrinsic motivation, strengthening external incentives and
organisation of free time.
Keywords: continuing education, lifelong learning, self-realisation, strengthening,
time management.
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