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The Scientific Opinion №1-2 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2021


M. B. Bogus
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/PBH.22224378.2021.
The article reveals the importance of studying the features of the formation of intercultural competence in the course of solving problems of international communication. The author pays special attention to language as a factor that determines, on the one hand, the picture of the world, the mentality of a native speaker, and, on the other hand, social consciousness, national character, and way of life. The article reveals the importance of developing crosscultural competence in overcoming cross-cultural barriers. Special attention is paid to the description of the author’s technology for the formation of intercultural competence. 
The technology is developed on the basis of a project-based learning method and is 
focused on building an active dialogue to solve communicative, research, creative, and 
cognitive tasks. The author reveals the technology of implementation of cultural and 
linguistic-cultural components. Attention is paid to effective methods and techniques for 
the formation of intercultural competence in the educational process.
Keywords: intercultural competence, international communication, culture, language, 
formation, students.
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