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Humanities and Science University Journal № 59 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

Images, Strokes and Notation Methods for the Repertoire of a Contemporary Erhu Performer

Wang Huixian
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The paper is devoted to the study of the traditional and modern repertoire of the Chinese stringed instrument - erhu. In the traditional repertoire, poetic images of nature are revealed mainly in the lyrical works of the cantilena style. Samples of melodies and 
their expressive techniques are presented by specifi c examples. The author proves the necessity to use hieroglyphs for designating various playing techniques, primarily in the fi eld of bow movements (direction of bow movement, techniques of its inclination, pressing, etc.). The paper provides the transcript of the musical notation for the erhu with the use of hieroglyphs.
Key words: Erhu, repertoire, piece of music, string instrument, strokes, score, performer, bow movements, hieroglyphs.
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5. Jonathan Stock. A Historical Account of the Chinese Two-Stringed Fiddle Erhu // 
The Galpin Society Journal. 1993. P. 83–113.
6. Jonathan Stock. Musical Narrative, Ideology, and the Life of Abing // Ethnomu-
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