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Humanities and Science University Journal № 59 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

New Motifs in Russian Portrait Painting in Early XIX century

Yu. Yu. Gudymenko
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The paper is devoted to the analysis of new content and compo-
sitional motifs in the portrait art of Russia at the beginning of 
the 19th century, which represent the main trend in European 
art of the time: an attempt to create the image of a new liberated 
person, not limited by the norms of society. A simple and cred-
ible style of communication with the viewer, diversity and ease of 
movement of models - these motifs become popular in portraiture 
after the French Revolution. Most of all, this is demonstrated 
by the works of Йlisabeth-Louise Vigйe Le Brun, Jean-Laurent 
Mosnier, Orest Kiprensky, Alexander Warnek and others.
Keywords: Russian portrait painting, Rossica, portrait images, composition in portrait, 
Йlisabeth-Louise Vigйe Le Brun, Jean-Laurent Mosnier, Orest Kiprensky.
1. Alekseyev S. Firmen Masso (1766–1849). Zabytoe imya v russko-shveytsarskikh 
kul’turnykh svyazyakh. K voprosu ob atributsii portretov raboty shveytsarskogo khu-dozhnika iz muzeynykh sobraniy Rossii // Russkie portrety XVIII — nachala XX vv. 
Materialy po ikonografi i. Vypusk IV. M.: «Avatar», 2015. S. 96–109.
2. Vigel’ F. F. Zapiski. Kniga I. M.: Zakharov, 2003. 608 s.
3. Zimenko V. M. Orest Adamovich Kiprenskiy. 1782–1836. M.: «Iskusstvo», 1988. 
352 s.
4. Turchin V. S. Orest Kiprenskiy. M.: Izobrazitel’noe iskusstvo, 1975. 168 s.
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