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The Scientific Opinion №12 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2020

Movements and Attribute of Classical Ballet in Opera «Lulu» as Main-Characteristics of the Principal Heroine (staged by La Monnaie theater 2012)

E. M. Kovanzhi
Price: 0 руб.
The paper examines choreography and symbolics of classical ballet and point shoes in opera «Lulu» of A. Berg (stage dir. K. Warlikovsky). It seems relevant to analyze the modern direction and to reveal the staging method of dramaturgical and visual expression. Choreography in the opera is considered as a tool of expression of ideas of the author and the composer and as an esthetic vector of staging, chosen by the stage director. The symbol of point shoes in ballet art and as a keynote of the main character in this performance is analyzed in detail.
Keywords: synthetic theater, opera, modern musical theater, synthesis of arts, choreography in opera, symphony.
1. Blok L. Klassicheskiy tanets. Istoriya i sovremennost’. M.: Iskusstvo, 1987. 556 s.
2. Vedekind F. Lulu / per. s nemetskogo S. Gorodetskogo, V. Meyerkhol’da, P. Giber-
man. Moskva: Agraf, 2019. 313 s.
3. Veksler Yu. S. Simvolika v muzyke A. Berga: avtoreferat na soisk. uchen. step. 
kand. iskusstvovedeniya. URL: http://cheloveknauka.com/simvolika-v-muzyke-albana-
berga (data obrashcheniya: 20.11.2020).
4. Panofsky D. Die Buchse des Pandora. Bedeutungswandel eines mythologischen 
Symbols. Frankfurt am M.: Campus Verlag, 1975, 199 s. 
5. Wedekind F. Werke-Kritik.Studienausgabe In 8 Bd. Darmstadt: Hueber Verlag, 
1996-201, 346 s. 
Price: 0 рублей
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