The study is aimed to compare two methods of presenting linguistic information:
(1) rational-sensing, which is based on explicit knowledge and demands conscious reꥢection about the language and (2) random-intuitive, based on implicit knowledge,
which is gained subconsciously through interaction with the language in the real-life
communication. In this regard, the author introduces two terms: linguistic intuition and
metalinguistic awareness. Several denitions of metalinguistic awareness are analysed
and a translation of this term into Russian is suggested. Based on the review and analysis of literature, mechanisms of linguistic intuition are described in a foreign and native languages. The author comes to the conclusion that on the beginning levels of language prociency success of learning the language is mostly inꥢuenced by learning strategies, foreign language aptitude and language learning disabilities. Linguistic intuition in a non-native language develops a bit later as more language material is accumulated, systemised and automised.
Key words: linguistic intuition, language aptitude, metalinguistic ability, metalinguistic
awareness, barrier in learning, foreign languages, metalanguage.
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