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The Scientific Opinion №11 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2020


А. N. Krushelnitckii, V. V. Laptev, L. A. Larchenkova
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 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/PBH.22224378.2020.12.10.22
In this paper, we analyse the concepts of cognitive barriers and misconceptions used 
in domestic and foreign studies to describe typical errors and delusions of students. 
We present various classiᾫcations of these concepts and give typical examples. We 
discuss the causes and methods of identifying cognitive barriers and misconceptions 
in physics. We note that the manifestation of cognitive barriers in the study of physics 
is  quite  universal,  independent  of  educational  traditions,  training,  and  mentality  of 
students. We conclude that the tools for detecting misconceptions can also be used to 
detect barriers. Being a broad class of cognitive barriers that arise in the process of 
teaching physics, students’ misconceptions can be included in the general classiᾫcation 
of these barriers.
Key words: cognitive barriers, misconceptions, methods of teaching physics.
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