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The Scientific Opinion №11 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2020


S. A. Romanovskiy
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/PBH.22224378.2020.11.69.74
The article examines the Kantian scale of the intensity of life: sensuality and intermediate sensation as an infinitely small value, pleasure from the beautiful and norm as an average value, negative pleasure from the sublime and kind as an infinitely large value. This a priori calculus serves as a constraint of the increasing state power. Reasonable management of life is possible if we know the logic of interaction of various levels of its intensity. When the intensity remains within the framework of mechanics and an infinitely small value, sensibility does not expand and the increment of new empirical knowledge is impossible. In another case, the imagination compares phenomena with each other, whether works of art or creations of nature, and finds beauty in the average, in the features that distinguish the kind in general. Calm contemplation of beautiful forms does not relax, but leads to more vital activity. Further, the infinitely great development of humanity rises above sensuality and, as a result, maximises life. Examining the rise of human kind, a philosopher should answer how well the knowledge and skills ensuring intensive political management have been mastered.
Key words: political philosophy, the sublime, intensity of life, history of human kind.
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