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The Scientific Opinion №11 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2020


N. O. Nogovitsyn
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/PBH.22224378.2020.11.26.32
The subject of the research is the model of actualising the meaning of the educational 
process in the modern world. The author examines the theories of meaning expression 
that are fundamental for this topic – the model of G. Frege, L. Wittgenstein, as well as 
such modern theories of the philosophy of meaning as the concept of Niklas Luhmann. 
Modern  culture  is  largely  based  on  the  fundamental  distrust  of  metanarration.  The 
most effective under these conditions is the utterance model, in which the number of 
metautterances is minimised, and judgments are substantiated not through a reference 
to the authority or the author’s experience, but in some other way. Also, a statement that 
requires active participation in cognition and building a model of the studied subject 
will be much more understandable – passive perception is not typical for many modern 
models of consciousness.
Key words: philosophy of education, society, media, meaning, philosophy of language, 
interactive education.
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