N. V. Dorofeyeva
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/PBH.22224378.2020.9.105.116
The paper examines the features of social orientation towards sports among young athletes in top-class sports. The difference between a person’s mindset and attitude is substantiated. The work analyses sports activity as a mechanism of personality development and change. The paper discusses the inuence of the situation on social orientation, as well as the inuence of the social environment on the components of the attitude. The author emphasises the inuence of interpersonal interaction, highlighting the attitude of the athlete’s closest sports environment as a context for the formation of social orientation towards sports. The article also notes the special signi墿cance of the inuence of family on social orientation towards sports. The author considers the peculiarities of family education, positive and negative inuence of family, causes of sports exhaustion. The author raises the question about the inuence of family on the athlete’s continuation or retiring from professional sports, as well as peculiarities of the inuence of siblings on the athlete’s sports activity.
Key words: attitude, social orientation, set, sport, athlete, family, interpersonal
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