Z. K. Gareyeva
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/PBH.22224378.2020.9.55.59
The article describes the main psychological concepts of gender, which forms a basis of the gender approach in pedagogy. The author analyses the most popular foreign and Russian gender theories that are a methodological basis of most modern psychological and pedagogical studies on gender issues. Particular attention is paid to the following scientific developments of foreign researchers: S. Bem’s theory of androgyny, gender lenses and concept of gender scheme, A. Eagly’s theory of social roles, as well as theoretical models of Russian scientists: I. S. Kletsina’s models of gender relations studies, L. E. Semenova’s models of traditional (differentiated) and unconventional (alternative, egalitarian) socialisation.
Key words: gender, gender approach, gender socialisation, gender scheme, gender lenses, social roles.
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