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The materials of the article reveal aspects of art education (in the ȩeld of textile design)
that contribute to the preservation of Xinjiang cultural heritage. It is suggested that the
cultural environment in the northern region of China can develop successfully due to
reforms aimed at improving the quality of art education. A comparative analysis of the
educational process organisation in Xinjiang universities and educational programmes
in the Xinjiang National Art disciplines is provided in the article. It is revealed that in the
system of textile art design training, not enough attention is paid to the regional features
of art. Currently, art education in Xinjiang is very different from art education in the
central regions of the country. It is assumed that improvement of the quality of practical
training in design (in the ȩeld of art textiles) and its modernisation will contribute to
the development of modern textile art. This update in artistic and creative activities will
have a beneȩcial effect on the spread of Xinjiang’s national culture among the younger
Key words: art education, design, textiles, national heritage, Xinjiang.
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