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The Scientific Opinion №5 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2020


P. L. Gorelik, T. A. Boyalskaya, N. V. Peten
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/PBH.22224378.2020.6.67.75
This article is devoted to teaching a foreign language at a medical university to students 
with a low level of language knowledge. This is a very serious problem nowadays, since 
the average level of students at the beginning of training corresponds to the A2–B1 level 
based on the CEFR scale, but the exam that they must take at the end of the Ʃrst year 
is  designed  for  level  B2  and  includes  non-adapted  medical  texts  full  of  professional terminology  and  complex  grammatical  structures  inherent  in  the  scientiƩc  style  of speech. As a rule, the grammatical base and lexical abilities of many students do not meet the exam requirements level. The authors of the article offer a series of original teaching methods designed to help solve this problem and prepare even students having difƩculties with basic grammar and reading skills for the exam.
Key  words: teaching English at a medical university, English for special purposes, 
students with a low level of knowledge of a foreign language, CEFR scale, situation of 
success, motivation in learning. 
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