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The Scientific Opinion №5 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2020


I. B. Romanenko, Yu. V. Puyu
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/PBH.22224378.2020.6.52.58
The article discusses socio-cultural foundations of a new format for human existence 
which  is  associated  with  the  total-complex  digitalisation  of  the  educational  and 
professional  sphere.  Virtual  reality  is  considered  in  the  study  as  augmented  reality. 
The phenomenon of minimisation and loss of interpersonal communication and social 
atomisation is also analysed in the article. Communication sometimes is imitated and 
to a large extent becomes formal. The communicative skill is lost and transforms into 
“digital  autism”. The  article  conceptualises  the  notion  and  phenomenon  of  an  active 
Internet user, stipulates the criteria for cultural and civilised human behaviour in social 
media and the Internet, which is an effective tool for organising the educational process. 
Cognitive capital is seen as an enduring value and resource of self-development and selfactualisation of an individual.
Key words: digitalisation, social media, Internet, virtual reality, new format for human 
existence,  interpersonal  communication,  social  atomisation,  digital  autism,  cognitive 
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