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The Scientific Opinion №5 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2020


Jia Yunyi
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/PBH.22224378.2020.5.101.110
Modern society requires artistic design teachers to develop good aesthetic taste. Unlike 
other  professions,  vocational  training  of  artistic  design  teachers  highly  inuences 
the  formation  of  aesthetic  taste.  Currently  all  major  universities  of  artistic  design 
are aware of the insufBcient level of students’ aesthetic education and are actively 
trying to develop the corresponding study courses. However, it is difBcult for today’s 
teachers  to  fulBl  their  educational  tasks;  this  requires  a  lot  of  talented  educators. 
The paper describes the development of a educational programme for pedagogical 
universities  including  a  complex  of  academic  disciplines  forming  the  aesthetic 
qualities of students — future artistic design teachers. In the author’s opinion, this 
problem requires an urgent solution.
Key  words:  complex  of  academic  disciplines,  aesthetic  education  of  personality, 
system of art education, quality education, interaction of disciplines. 
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