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Humanities and Science University Journal № 57 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

Sacrifi cing Animal Heads in the Ritual Praxis of the Indigenous Peoples of the North

A. A. Azhinov
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The author compares the interpretation of those researchers who believe 
that severed heads are objects of worship, and those who claim that the 
heads themselves are sacrifi ced to spirits. The paper proves that the 
head cut off for ritual purposes is revered by the indigenous peoples of 
the North as material property of a spirit, similar to the ritual plasticity 
and functionally comparable to it. Sacrifi ce is perceived by bearers of 
the tradition not as a way to express their respect for a spirit, but as a 
way to allow the spirit to absorb the victim and even to gain the ability 
of dominating over it. The practical expediency of collecting heads and 
performing rites before them is determined by the fact that making a 
sacrifi ce to the spirits who have taken possession of the heads can, in the 
opinion of the senders of the rites, ensure their welfare.
Keywords: rites of the indigenous peoples of the North, ritual beheading, sacrifi ce.
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