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Humanities and Science University Journal № 57 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

Verbs of the Characterized Verbal Activity in Russian Colloquial Speech

E. Y. Sidorova
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The aim of the research is to describe colloquial verbs of the char-
acterized verbal activity. The scientifi c novelty of the work lies in 
the ideographic approach to the study of the vocabulary of the col-
loquial speech, and the selection of new colloquial words that are 
not included in dictionaries. The paper presents a comprehensive 
analysis of colloquial lexemes, identifi es their main semantic com-
ponents and describes the metaphorical transfer in the formation of 
colloquial meanings, and the related changes in the grammatical 
properties of the verb. The results showed that the group of Russian 
colloquial verbs characterizing the verbal activity is quite numerous, 
and, therefore, represents one of the communicatively signifi cant 
areas of the colloquial speech.
Keywords: verb, Russian colloquial speech, colloquial verbs, colloquialistics, 
characterized verbal activity, lexical meaning.
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