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Humanities and Science University Journal № 55 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

Russian Choral Culture of Early 20th Century: Prerequisites for Comparing Choral Arts of Russia and China

Li Ge
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The paper presents the main trends of development for the Russian 
choral culture of early 20th century -choral fl ourish, composing activ-
ity, performance of Leningrad choir capella  - which has glorifi ed 
the Russian choral art. The given period in the history of the choral 
culture in Russia is related to the facts and events that concern the 
establishment of polyphonic choral singing in China. The choral art, 
which is new to China, is rapidly gaining a foothold; its formation 
and further development have similar features with the processes in 
the Russian choral music: rapid popularization of choral singing, 
the rise of the national identity, its refl ection in the choral art, an 
interest of composers and public in the choral activity. 
Keywords: Russian choral culture, repertoire, Leningrad capella, M. G. Klimov, Chinese choral music, school songs, Xiao Youmei.
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