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Humanities and Science University Journal № 54 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

Semantic Metamorphoses of D. Shostakovich Waltzes

Sui Zhun
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The paper examines evolution of waltz and waltz themes in the works 
of D. Shostakovich: from light-joyous and transparent, to aggressive-
mechanistic and tragic. Waltz and waltz features play an important role 
in creativity of the composer and their semantic role is considerably 
strengthened. There is a group of «puppet» waltzes that have certain 
symbolism. The composer attaches great importance to «genre mixes», 
and waltz often contains signs of other genres, the fi rst role of which is 
assigned to scherzo. It is noted that waltz features in the theme of the 
composer’s works gradually fade into the background and disappear.
Keywords: waltz, quartet, romance music, genre, evolution, thematism, symbo lism, 
scherzo, puppet music.
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