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Humanities and Science University Journal № 54 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

The Role of European Musicians in Formation of Russian School of Clarinet Playing

A. V. Maistrenko
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The article discusses in detail the aspects of penetration of Western 
musical culture in Russia. The author delves into the genesis of clarinet 
playing and training in our country in the XVII–XIX centuries, pointing 
out that the foundation for them was laid by leading European musi-
cians, who were personally invited by Russian emperors and empresses. 
The article contains excerpts from archival sources, scientifi c works of 
Russian musicologists, which confi rm the main theme of the study that 
the outstanding Russian performing school of clarinet playing was cre-
ated due to successful activities of famous German and Czech orchestras 
in our country.
Keywords: clarinet, Court orchestra, military bands, conservatories.
1. Arkhiv Direktsii imperatorskikh teatrov. SPb., 1892. Vyp. I. Otd. II. 390 s.
2. Berlioz G. Izbrannye pis’ma. L., 1981. Kn. I. 240 s.
3. GVMA. D. № 50, 1 ch., l. 366 / Prikaz Voinskogo morskogo fl ota, 1703–1705 gg.
4. Zabelin I. E. Domashniy byt russkikh tsarey v XVI i XVII stoletiyakh. M., 2014. 
1057 s. 
5. Opochinin N. E. Teatral’naya starina. M., 1902. 318 s.
6. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossiyskoy imperii. T. XXXIV. № 27186. 984 s.
7. Usov Yu. Istoriya otechestvennogo ispolnitel’stva na dukhovykh instrumentakh. 
M., 1975. 199 s.
8. Shtelin Ya. Muzyka i balet v Rossii XVIII veka. L., 1935. 191 s. 
9. TSGDDA. F. 17. Ed. khr. 322. 
10. Tsybin V. Stat’ya po voprosu novoy muzykal’no-pedagogicheskoy programmy 
i repertuara (1943) / TsGALI. F. 2043. Op. 1. Ed. khr. 84.
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