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Humanities and Science University Journal № 54 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

Infl uence of Meyerhold’s Theatrical Concepts on the World of the Modern Chinese Theatre

Yang Nanjia
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For his professional life the greatest master of the theatre, Vsevolod 
Emilievich Meyerhold created a new format for theatrical performance. 
He was the initiator of the unique concept of revolutionary theatre, and 
he was able to excite and shock the Chinese theatre world. In the 70-s 
China started opening up more and more to the world, and in addition 
to expanding the economic sphere beyond the country, the sphere of art 
was also enriched with knowledge of various artistic forms. During this 
cross-cultural exchange, China gradually became acquainted with the 
theatrical concepts of Meyerhold. Two parts are distinguished in this 
paper: 1. The avant-garde theatre localized in China and 2. Meyerhold 
as the best connoisseur of the traditional Chinese opera among Russian 
theatre fi gures. In the context of these two parts, we study and analyze 
Meyerhold’s infl uence on the Chinese theatre, as well as refl ection  of 
cross-cultural characteristics of Meyerhold’s theatre theories on stage art.
Keywords: V. E. Meyerhold, theatre, China, avant-garde theatre, localization, Meng 
Jingway, Mei Lanfang.
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