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Humanities and Science University Journal № 53 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

Teleplay in the System of the Visual Mass Media

A. A. Boguslavskaya
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The article is devoted to a well-known television product – a teleplay. 
The defi nition of the teleplay genre as an artistic television product 
makes it possible to understand television not only as a mass medium, 
but also as a kind of art. The main content of the study is the defi nition 
and allocation of typical features of a teleplay aimed at genre classifi -
cation of artistic television products. The consideration of a teleplay’s 
development, defi nition and classifi cation of television genres on the 
whole are due to the need to solve not only theoretical, creative, but also 
technological (practical) tasks.
Keywords: television, art, theatre, teleplay, kind, form, genre.
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5. Kler R. Kino vchera, kino segodnya. M.: Progress, 1981. 385 s.
6. Sappak V. S. Televidenie i my: Chetyre besedy. M.: Iskusstvo, 1988. 168 s.
7. Tsvik V. L. Televizionnaya zhurnalistika. Istoriya, teoriya, praktika. M.: Aspekt 
Press, 2004. 382 s. 
Price: 0 рублей
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