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The Scientific Opinion №3 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2020

Alkhalalalay Ceremony Feast: the Itelmen Identity Marker (based on the observations of 2019 in the village of Tigil, Kamchatka Krai)

A. I. Rudenko
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The paper examines the Itelmen ceremony feast of Alkhalalalay, which was celebrated in the village of Tigil, District of Tigil in 2019. For the fi rst time it was described by S. P. Krasheninnikov, the researcher of Kamchatka, in the 18th century. The Itelmen ceremony feast was revived at the end of the 20th century and it is an offi cial ceremony feast in Kamchatka Krai since 2010. It is celebrated in the village of Tigil at the end of August once in two years. The artists of the folk Itelmen ensemble “Elvel” participate actively in the feast celebration. Particular attention is paid to various kinds of ceremonial 
actions in the feast; the categories of some ritual objects are revealed. The Itelmen ceremony feast has no religious signifi cance. It promotes the revival and protection of the Itelmen culture of Kamchatka.
Keywords: ceremony, feast, Itelmen, tradition, purifi cation, evil spirits, pure fi re, 
birch, idol, Khantay.
1. Goncharova A. A. Obryadovoe prazdnestvo kamchadalov (po materialam knigi 
S. P. Krasheninnikova «Opisanie zemli Kamchatki»). URL: https://kamlib.ru/ethnog-
opisanie_zemli_kamchatki_/ (data obrashcheniya: 27.01.2020). 
2. Krasheninnikov S. P. Opisanie zemli Kamchatki. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy: 
Kholdingovaya kompaniya «Novaya kniga», 2018. 992 s.
3. Pomazkin V. V. Narodnye znaniya / V. V. Pomazkin // Istoriya i kul’tura koryakov. 
SPb.: Nauka, 1997. 240 s.
Price: 0 рублей
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